
Energy policy including NEG, Fraser Anning’s maiden speech.

August 18, 2018

Well, we've been positive about the NEG. We recognise that we do need a framework that is bipartisan in nature. We can have disagreements about targets. As long as there is a bipartisan agreement about the framework, that will help reduce uncertainty in the energy sector and lead to greater investment that will over the long-term reduce power prices. But this Government keeps moving the goalposts, so it is hard to sign up to a NEG when we don'...

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August 14, 2018

GARTH RUSSELL (PRESENTER): Well the Government's back bench on Energy, last night, endorsed the Coalitions plan for a National Energy Guarantee or NEG, as has been coined the phrase, after a two hour cabinet briefing. Now this is a positive sign for the Prime Minister ahead of the party rooms meeting today. 7 committee members voted in favour of the policy and former Prime Minister, Tony Abbott voted against it. With it likely that NEG will be...

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My Health Record, Craig Kelly’s comments on MH17, Emma Husar. ABC NEWCASTLE BREAKFAST WITH JOHANN...

July 21, 2018

RASCHELLA: Pat Conroy, what do you make of the way this has been handled? Am I right in thinking that the initial plan with this was it was meant to be an opt-in system and then somewhere along the way it's turned into an opt-out system? CONROY: That's my understanding. The rollout of this has been mishandled from the start by this government. In theory, having this system is a good thing, it has the potential to save $7 billion. My wife's...

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My Health Record, Craig Kelly’s comments on MH17, Emma Husar.

July 21, 2018

That's my understanding. The rollout of this has been mishandled from the start by this government. In theory, having this system is a good thing, it has the potential to save $7 billion. My wife's a nurse and she has been very enthusiastic about the ability of this to improve clinical outcomes for patients having everything centralised. But this is a government that mismanaged the census collection online. This is a government that allowed Me...

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GST, Energy policy including NEG and Tony Abbott re the Paris Accord, Senator Leyonhjelm’s commen...

July 07, 2018

Craig is absolutely factually incorrect. For example, the US is still party to the Paris accord. They can't pull out until the day after the next US Presidential election in 2020 so who knows who will be President then. Secondly, China has committed to having their emissions peak by 2030. Their emissions have flatlined right now  so most people think they will actually achieve their target well below that. The truth is only two countries didn'...

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GST, Energy policy including NEG and Tony Abbott re the Paris Accord, Senator Leyonhjelm’s commen...

July 07, 2018

Craig's policy there is a recipe for higher power prices. We have to replace coal-fired power stations that are about to close down because they're very old. But the cheapest new form of power is renewable energy backed up by gas and pumped hydro. That's what industry is saying is the cheapest. Kerry Schott, the Government’s own head of the Energy Security Board, the Energy Council, Origin, AGL and Energy Australia have all said that new coa...

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