Gregory Grey writes that I should “have more of a go for climate change” myself rather than supporting the students’ strike (Short Takes 23/9). I’d invite him to visit my website and review Hansard to see how I have been having a go over the past six years – speeches, media releases, letters to the editor, opinion pieces, events and visits to other electorates. I’m proud to have been involved in forming the policies Labor took to the last election on renewable energy and climate change, and I continue to hold the Government to account for their lack of action, which is resulting in rising emissions and no chance of meeting our Paris targets. I’ve also been fighting for action to secure the clean energy jobs of the future, in industries including clean hydrogen, renewable energy and mining the materials needed for clean energy. Doing all of that does not mean I should not welcome and support the actions of students. It’s the Morrison Government’s job to reduce Australia’s emissions; the more voices telling them that the better.
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